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2015-06-08 11:20 来源:广州自考网 点击:

51, Off with you, faker.(骗子:faker=fraud=phony)

52, How bizarre.(奇怪=odd)

53, Oh, by all means. (没问题)

54, It's too intriguing. (有趣)

55, What is the fuss? (吵什么)

56, Don't get loaded. ( 别喝醉了)

57, You have no more beer belly. (beer belly : 啤酒肚)

58, Skipping breakfast will ruin you. (不做,跳过: skip)

59, The twins are like two peas in a pod.(一模一样)

60, That's cool with me. ( 觉得某事没问题: cool with )

61, Hang in there, the doctor is on the way. (坚持住: hang in there)

62, A bit more flour should do the trick.(起作用: do the trick)

63, I didn't really mean she was in outer space, it's just a figure of speech.(打个比方: a figure of speech)

64, They were bootlegging whiskey.(bootleg: 走私)

65, Wouldn't miss it for the world. (无论如何: for the world)

66, Scoop some ice cream out of the tub.(取出: scoop)

67, I think I'll go for the blue shirt. (选择做: go for)

68, My boss may go easy on me. (悠着点,宽容: go easy on)

69, There're some who would not deem it wise.(认为:deem)

70, Way to go.(干的漂亮)

71, That's close enough.(很接近了)

72, Your sister stood me up the other night.(放我鸽子: stand me up)

73, You got me there. (问倒我)

74, Easy does it. (慢慢来)

75, It's a pain in the neck. (讨厌的事)

76, I thought you said you had some pull with him.(有影响: have some pull)

77, I got 20 bucks on deception.(我赌20块她会耍花招)

78, I know he has a lot of enemies in this town,but I always root for the


79, She was a little peeved about being left out.(耍脾气: peeved=on edge)

80, I'm the third wheel. (做电灯泡)

81, What stakes do you propose?(你和我赌神马)

82, He was looking for a dame to shack up with.(同居: shack up)

83, What a fiesta today, I'm really glad you made it. (尽兴的聚会: fiesta)

84, You should talk to somebody, dude, maybe a shrink. (心理医生: shrink)

85, How mortifying to have to apologize to him! (难为情: mortifying)

86, Do not get attached.(别用情太深)

87, I won't be taken in.(我不会上当的)

88, It's a long shot. (希望渺茫)

89, I’m doomed.(完蛋了)

90, It takes two to tango. (一个巴掌拍不响)

91, This food is out of this world. (好极了: out of this world)

92, That sucks.(too bad)

93, I like spicy food once in a while,but generally speaking,I prefer blander food.(重口味: spicy 清淡: bland)

94, You had me worried sick.

(担心死了: worried sick)

95, What am I supposed to do then? Make a scene? (出丑: make a scene)

96, Never again pull a stunt like this. (耍花招: pull a stunt)

97, He was roughed up by a gang of youths.(动粗: rough up)

98, I’ll get even with him one day. (扯平: get even)

99, She dumped me. (甩了我)

100, Would you like to grab a bite with me. (你愿意和我一起吃饭吗)

免费预约通话工作时间为上午 9:00 至下午 18:00 。










